hello dudes, haven't blogged for a long time. all that recent last minute arrangement and business dun leave me time on the computer to blog.
last wed
at the old folks home, did a lot of sewing and made a 2D christmas tree out of hangers for the home. was the captain's bright idea. it eventually worked. was asked to play the piano in the corner for the old folks but it so out of tune, the moment i started playing i stopped.ugly sound produced. it was in an average 3 semitones out of tune. do they maintain their piano at all? oh ya, forgot to tell u guys that KCGG has its own bat. a life bat. we found it during camp under a fan with its wing broken. we concluded that it got hit by that ceiling fan. so we named it: Bruce Bartok Braces Blossom Bubbles Buttercup. long eh. Bruce was batman's name, Bartok was the bat's name in anastasia, Braces (where did that come from?), the powerpuff girls in hope that it will one day fly again. so crappy.
sentosa! haven't been there for a very very very long time. like a span of 5 years. LONG eh? had a lot of fun with my cousins. took some skyride thing to the start of the luge ride. soon went speeding downhill with my cousins with that adrenaline pumping. whee!!! walked a lot. went to see the 4D matrix with my cousins. 'twas so fun and exciting. went to the beach to swim around. loads and loads of fun.
fri and sat
fri cell as usu. sat was dry run for the acting. i have to act as a bimbotic secetary (can anybody imagine me bimbotic? 'cause i can't) had short bimbo lessons from ashley haha. i so cannot do it. must go watch legally blonde to see how she act and act like that. movies are not my kind but its for the sake of acting.
sermon was sooo relavent. pursuing righteousness, what really is it? what in the first place is righteousness? i realized that i got the wrong idea of righteousness: i was living a self righteous life.
the national schools newspaper competition was finally here. sangee, keshi, soph, kathy and me went to SPH for it. it was a 24 hr competition so we are staying overnight in SPH. this also means working through the night. missing worship prac because of it. anticipated it to around that time. was praying that the prac that i have to go to wouldn't clash with the competition. oh well. next year then.
we were given 4 articles to do on. 1, personality interview with Stefan Tseng, 16, a world record holder for triple jump at his age; 2, illegal downloading from the internet, had to call abt 50 people so tried to contact everybody on my contact list; 3, jurong bird park and how it changed; 4, the english syllabus change and how it will affect the nation.
we have to come up with a 4 A3 size newspaper with ads and all. we also had to make one of the ads our self. yup, bloodshot eyes was on the way as all of us slept for less than 2 hrs each. fun anyway. i was left as the layout person as the rest forgot how to use publisher from the training. SPH like gave us 6 meals! breakfast when we arrived, lunch, tea, dinner, supper (that was pizza) and next day breakfast. urgh, there comes the fats. pics to come soon. we managed to finish on time. but the printing was slow so we had to wait a while for the stuff. went home to collapse on the bed sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
pics next entry. bye
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